To the borrowers

To the borrowers

The company provides financing to borrowers based on the concept of sharing the borrower’s income in proportion to the capital provided. The company assumes part of the borrower’s risks and also provides consulting assistance in the field of accounting and marketing. We strive to become a trusted partner of our borrowers.



Being a partner, not a banker.

Мы считаем дачу денег под процент абсолютно недопустимым как с We believe that giving money at a percentage is unacceptable both from the perspective of Islam, from the point of ordinary logic, and justice. Our goal is to develop business and entrepreneurship on the basis of a fair sharing of risks and benefits between the entrepreneur and the investor.

About us

About us

Our product: money transferred from investors to creditworthy and conscientious borrowers for a profitable project on the basis of profit, income, and risk distrubition of the project

The Islamic Investment Company “BF” (further “Company”) invests in projects permitted by Islam religion for a period of 1-5 years. Investing is carried out on the basis of participation in the capital or income of projects. Projects are located in the Kyrgyz Republic and are represented by various sectors of the economy: IT, trade, services, construction, and other private entrepreneurship. The company insures its risks by controlling the financial flows of its projects. We have been actively working in Kyrgyzstan since 2016.

Nurkhanov Adilet

Nurkhanov Adilet

Many of our partners take a loan to add this money to their savings for buying an apartment and building a house. For instance, during the cooperation with our company, our partner Adilet is building 3 large houses in Bishkek for further implementation. He told us how it all began.
Adilet: From childhood, my brothers, father, and I bought old houses with a large plot. We built a house there and lived with the whole big family. Somehow, we decided to enlarge this business as additional earnings. However, the biggest start for me was the construction of 3 houses on a plot of 6 acres in Bishkek city. Then, I found out about the investment company “Bereke Finance”, which fully operates according to Islam religion principles. We had savings, but a certain amount was lacking. I didn’t hesitate and turned to Bereke company with help. After receiving the right amount of capital, I began the long-awaited construction. Now, I have completed the construction of 2 houses, soon before the beginning of winter, I will complete the third Inshallah! I work in one of the furniture manufactory as a designer. Glory to ALLAH, the salary is good – it’s enough to live on and to return partner incomes before the sale of one of the houses, a small part of which will cover the entire amount of investment money. There are still big plans for life, children are growing up and each one needs to be settled. May ALLAH give a strong health, I will continue to work and implement my ambitious plans. We congratulate Adilet on achieving his goals. May happiness and prosperity be in his family.

Aliyev Ulan

Aliyev Ulan

He is an employee of one of the leading insurance companies in the country. In addition to his main work, he decided to engage in small business parallelly and bring joy to children. Specifically, he acquired two entertainment machines in Russia, which he installed in one of the malls of the city. He received funding from Bereke for the purchase of slot machines for children. Things became well, thanks ALLAH, he started earning money on his business. Our partnership did not stop at this point because Ulan is eager to expand his business further.
We wish good luck to Ulan and are happy with his success!

Kashiev Bakyt

Kashiev Bakyt

He turned his hobby into a small business of saddles. Like all entrepreneurs, he thought of putting the production of light and high-quality saddles on the conveyor. Consequently, he did it. On average, he produces 500 saddles a month and sends them to all regions and to neighboring countries of Kyrgyzstan. Saddles made by Bakyt’s business exceptionally differ from other saddles by its lightweight and durability. Things became well and thanks ALLAH he bought a house for himself, where he moved with his big family. Bakyt received his first investment from “Bereke Finance” for the lacking amount for the purchase of the house. Later, he turned to buy equipment for production of saddles. Our collaboration did not end there. He plans to contact us more in the future because he is sure that in Bereke, he can quickly receive investments and most importantly, every detail is done according to the principles of Islam.
We wish good luck to Bakyt and are happy for his success!

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